Monday, April 13, 2020


Welcome to the new code.
I hope it will work as intended without issues.
Please report any issues you encounter in /qa/ or the "New Code" thread on /mlpol/.
Policy and Rules
Rules for Users

The rules of Polestria were laid out by our forefathers in the long,long ago, in the before time. They are simple:

    3. Ponies allowed, NO EXCEPTIONS.
        Equestrians faced a lot of discrimination in the land of before, when /pol/ met them they reacted with fear, loathing, and disgust, before realizing they were truly our greatest ally
        As such, it was agreed that as long as we from /pol/ can discuss our politics without >muh racism, those from /mlp/ may post pony porn to their hearts content
    4. No shill threads.
        For those not in the know, shills are people who pretend to be disinterested 3rd parties in order to convince onlookers to try a salesman's product
        Shills from 4chan would routinely try to use any doubts we had to get their foot in the door and argue their way between us, turning us against one another
        For this the rule prohibits any posts that attempt to divide the community by preying on doubt, all posts must be appeals to reason, not appeals to emotion or other logical fallacies like that
    5. No race-mixing.
        "blacked", "how can white men even compete", etc, threads ruined many parts of /pol/ turning large portions of the board into a wasteland of distracting rageposts while the mods did nothing
        As such posts that do nothing but attempt to elicit rage based on white race hatred are a bannable offense, thus sayeth the community
    6. No cuckoldery.
        This goes back to the same issues had with the race-mixing, cuckoldery threads are designed purely to distract otherwise bright intelligent young men from proper discussion, the result is once ago a board filled with low-quality threads distracting good posters from decent content
        as such no thread shall be deemed acceptable if it promotes giving up and allowing others to take your wife, land, rights, or nation.
    7. No "BTFO" threads.
        Low quality information presented as a final blow argument, or anything that presents a single piece of flimsy evidence as the proof that unravels someone else's entire world view
        "X BTFO" as an OP is a bannable offense as such, both because it's meaningless distraction and because it provides no argument for the views of the OP, merely used to distract from real discussion
    8. No e-celeb threads.
        E-celebs are widely responsible for making non-marxist views more mainstream however near and right after election time pointed the carrot down the path back to left-right false dichotomy
        "Jews are our greatest ally", "Israel is the only democracy in the middle east", "Syria used chemical weapons on their own people, we should attack them without further investigation"
        by following these people people form opinions that conform to the perceived group, ignoring rationality in different to a perceived appeal to authority. no e-celeb worship is allowed
        Please note: threads about topics discussed by e-celebs in well cited videos are permissible, but only about the topic itself, not the celeb
    9. "HAPPENINGS" allowed, but not "GENERALS"
        "HAPPENINGS" are the first responder threads to world events, and are required to have basic information; who, what, when, where, how, why, and a citation or link to an article or direct video of the event itself
        "GENERALS" are circlejerks that stew like-minded opinions without room for dissension, recall that originally Trump threads were an interesting place to get up-to date on the election and eventually became 30 awoo posts, 10 copy-pasted link posts, 20 posts about memeing energy, and and 200+ posts talking about dubs with little actual discussion talking
        To prevent the kind of closed-minded thinking that was basically meme petri dishes "GENERALS" are forbidden, first post is edited to a happening, second is deleted with a warning, third is bannable
    11. Check the catalog first.
        Please check the catalog before posting. Having 30 threads up for the same topic is silly, and is a waste of catalog space.
    12. Lolicon / Shotacon Pornography is not allowed.
        Due to the TOS of the hosts of the server, this content is not allowed. Sorry.
    13. All users must be over the age of 18 to view
        Underage posters found to be using will be banned

All posts and content are the responsibility of the poster, does not take responsibility for anything posted here
Staff Rules

We the staff of mlpol do not ever want to become anything like those of certain other websites, therefore the following rules were laid out by the site owner, Atlas

    No staff member shall use the information he obtains in his position on staff for personal gain, lulz, or to harass/humiliate a user or other staff members
        The information of the users is sacred and shall not be used outside of needs by administration, we don't even have access to IP addresses from the users, we keep no logs, not even error logs, outside of what the website provides us directly.
        Using information for any purpose, including selling to others, data mining for malicious purposes, or for any reason are grounds for immediate removal from staff position, permanent banning from the site, and if the offense is serious enough, main staff will cooperate with law enforcement
    Staff will maintain a level of transparency with the community
        /mlpol/ is a community of like-minded individuals, we are not barbarians hyped up on ape testosterone
        We are driven by a need to maintain this website, not by a need to steal your info and sell it to the highest bidder
        If a thread is posted on /qa/ it is to be addressed within two days at most, even if the reply is negative or a simple "I don't know"
        Staff found to deliberately delete threads or posts to avoid discussing important topics about the site can face punitive measures up to and including dismissal
    Staff will take all community suggestions into account
        As this is a community site and not a top-down dictatorship like some other sites user input is very important
        Staff found to be deliberately removing community suggestions to avoid changes on the site or push their own agenda will be subject to punitive measures up to and including dismissal
    Staff will never bow to foreign influence
        The community of this website are the masters here, and no amount of money, threats, DDOS, hack attacks, or other methods of coercion will every change that
        Any staff found to be under foreign influence, including Atlas himself, shall be removed from staff and banned from the website, as this page constitutes a legal contract Atlas would have to give up control of the site and ownership of the domain to the next staff member in line if he broke this rule, currently this is Pupperwoff


This is just some information that is often requested by users worried about what the site is and who runs it

    How are IP addresses stored on
        IP addresses are hashed using BCrypt.
    What data are you keeping? even if you're ok, what about a hacker getting on the server?
        Hashed IP address using BCrypt
        Country of poster
        The post itself
    What staff has administrative access to the server, and why?
        Atlas: super sexy owner of former /pol/lack, access because yes
        fallenPineapple: Genius code merchant and former /mlp/, has access to make all the beauty happen
        PupperWoff: Lead Developer & SysOp







All trademarks, copyrights, comments, and images on this page are owned by and are the responsibility of the poster and their respective parties.

ASPNetChan Copyright © 2019
Pupper Woff (an alias)

This is the creation and work of a single individual
The creator hopes his work will stand the test of time and the trials of fire it will go through
Be kind to it and I hope it will bring you joy

It has been fun writing it - Pupper


  1. Replies
    1. I feel u man, I’m totally confuse as well

  2. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I, EvaX, humbly submit a toast to Nicolas Alexander, for successfully managing to pirate Warcraft 3, so that he may play Defense of the Ancients. Congratulations, Nick. Enjoy your Dota.

  3. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I believe if that we commentate the space horse, the galaxy hog will eventually leave our system of solar, but we need to accommodate 100,000 yen to buy a rocket to fly to Krypton and destroy the evil Blameitonjorge

  4. This is all very interesting. I have no idea where I am on this site.

  5. There's a commenting function on LHOHQ? o_o

    That's new, I think.


  6. just exploring with the union members...

    GLORY TO THE 1-47!

  7. Bruh, I too in this shit. Spam it on 4chan, we need a new riddle to solve. May the comment of FROZI appear in the video.

  8. I am the devil for my peen is submerged amongst the mayonaise

  9. "Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

    “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

    Matthew 6:25-34

  10. wow, what a trippy site.

  11. please god why me? 7/21/2020 can i come on the spaceship? Misato Katsuragi

  12. please for gods sake, Bizzy bone watches Cat Soup.

  13. Slimey so sleack slick slime all over and oozing drip down from the tall tall tall tower. it is all I hve seen for days on end. So many years of oozing drip slime fogging down the hole. Slimey wimey chicken timey. The tower gives me what I need. The incestuous nature of the tower will kill 500 sweet loops.

    11:39 pm

  14. The_end_memes
    Follow on insta

  15. Antarctica belongs to Elon Musk

  16. I'm am so trying to understand.

  17. Poor you and your human brain. Maybe use it like you could

  18. All hail Bob. My life for Bob. My liver and small intestine for Bob. My left eye for Bob. But not my dreams. My dreams are for Janel. Always

  19. I have been searching LHOHQ for two days now and am glad I found this. I feel I have finally gotten somewhere! I want in on this for sure!

  20. I have been searching LHOHQ for two days now and am glad I found this. I feel I have finally gotten somewhere! I want in on this for sure!

  21. I have been searching LHOHQ for two days now and am glad I found this. I feel I have finally gotten somewhere! I want in on this for sure!

  22. Someone hitman user fallenPineapple: Genius code please x

  23. took me about 30 minutes to get here, whats up

  24. well then.... guess i have arrived.. satansanimewaifu on insta if you want somebody to look into this shit with

  25. im here yes but why?

  26. ur mom suck me good and hard thru my jorts

  27. I have been browsing LHOHQ for nearly 24 hours straight, and I am starting to get almost constant homosexual urges. The site is set up by the CIA to use mind control/hypnosis to make people gay. It is a very sick form of population control. The more homosexuals, the less reproduction we have as a society. The USA government knew they needed to curb reproduction, but wanted to maintain their reputation as a “free country.” They couldn’t just put a cap on children like China does. It may have caused a revolt. LHOHQ is just one way in which the government is manipulating the population to have more homosexuals. TV shows, movies, politics, music. They have more influence on you than you realize. Just watch Lil Nas X’s recent satanic music video. This is just one example. I am doing everything I can to resist the homosexual urges. Please reach out to me on Twitter if you have experienced something similar or want to talk through things. Username is @DominionFRAUD

  28. I have been browsing LHOHQ for nearly 24 hours straight, and I am starting to get almost constant homosexual urges. The site is set up by the CIA to use mind control/hypnosis to make people gay. It is a very sick form of population control. The more homosexuals, the less reproduction we have as a society. The USA government knew they needed to curb reproduction, but wanted to maintain their reputation as a “free country.” They couldn’t just put a cap on children like China does. It may have caused a revolt. LHOHQ is just one way in which the government is manipulating the population to have more homosexuals. TV shows, movies, politics, music. They have more influence on you than you realize. Just watch Lil Nas X’s recent satanic music video. This is just one example. I am doing everything I can to resist the homosexual urges. Please reach out to me on Twitter if you have experienced something similar or want to talk through things. Username is @DominionFRAUD

  29. I have been browsing LHOHQ for nearly 24 hours straight, and I am starting to get almost constant homosexual urges. The site is set up by the CIA to use mind control/hypnosis to make people gay. It is a very sick form of population control. The more homosexuals, the less reproduction we have as a society. The USA government knew they needed to curb reproduction, but wanted to maintain their reputation as a “free country.” They couldn’t just put a cap on children like China does. It may have caused a revolt. LHOHQ is just one way in which the government is manipulating the population to have more homosexuals. TV shows, movies, politics, music. They have more influence on you than you realize. Just watch Lil Nas X’s recent satanic music video. This is just one example. I am doing everything I can to resist the homosexual urges. Please reach out to me on Twitter if you have experienced something similar or want to talk through things. Username is @DominionFRAUD

  30. I have been browsing LHOHQ for nearly 24 hours straight, and I am starting to get almost constant homosexual urges. The site is set up by the CIA to use mind control/hypnosis to make people gay. It is a very sick form of population control. The more homosexuals, the less reproduction we have as a society. The USA government knew they needed to curb reproduction, but wanted to maintain their reputation as a “free country.” They couldn’t just put a cap on children like China does. It may have caused a revolt. LHOHQ is just one way in which the government is manipulating the population to have more homosexuals. TV shows, movies, politics, music. They have more influence on you than you realize. Just watch Lil Nas X’s recent satanic music video. This is just one example. I am doing everything I can to resist the homosexual urges. Please reach out to me on Twitter if you have experienced something similar or want to talk through things. Username is @DominionFRAUD

  31. Anonymous11:28 AM

    If anyone from anywhere or lhohq can tell me more about the pedophile rings/ rampant pedophilia in the higher powers of our government please let me know.


  33. @DominionFRAUD FR Doee XD.


  34. ok,i got it Zeichenbilder2
    im interested

  35. You did understand and you must not ignore 5:55 a.m.

  36. among us fortnite sussy balls

  37. for some reason, I feel there's more to LHOHQ... found a lot of hidden data in source codes of certain website.. some of the data looks similar to the encryption, when I hack wifi for example, the encryption keys can sometimes look like a complete display of absolutely non-sensicle characters... interesting...

  38. Void. Null even. Nothing, perhaps. whatever is certain. nothing remains forever. From gods to planets. All will be reduced to atomic ruble. eventually...

  39. dude what is this, i entered "h" in my searchbar and now im here
